Unable to access filter of the same oil painting with Photoshop CC update (2015.1.2) today You can have both versions of Photoshop on your computer.
You can download Photoshop CC (previous version) or CS6, and use the oil paint filter. Oil paint has been removed in 2014 of Photoshop. I can not service o em meu photoshop oil painting. Uninstall and reinstall Photoshop from Adobe only and this time do not change libraries.Ĭomo service em meu photoshop CC 2015 oil painting? I could identify that OpenCL is disabled and the same cannot can not turn! Thanks in advance Since the last update, in which the filter 'oil painting' was available, I can't access it.» My computer meets all the conditions and all drivers are up to date. Hello, I have a big problem on my Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.